My Approach

I work with adults (aged 18 and over) and I offer individual, face to face counselling and psychotherapy for fifty-minute sessions. Appointments are normally held at the same time each week and we meet once a week, although I sometimes work with people on a twice-weekly basis. I offer time-limited work and longer-term work.

My integrative psychotherapy training means that I draw on a number of theories and traditions of therapeutic work including transactional analysis, psychodynamic theory, attachment theory, mindfulness, CBT, and person-centred approaches. As an integrative therapist I am able to work in a way that is responsive to the requirements of each individual rather than trying to make the person fit a single approach.

Whether you have had therapy before or it is something entirely new to you, approaching a professional for help can feel like a big step. The first session is an opportunity for us to meet and talk about what has brought you to counselling and for you to get a sense of how it would be for us to work together. If you decide you would like further sessions we will then identify the issue or issues that you would like to be the focus of the therapy, and agree a regular time to meet.

For further information about Integrative Psychotherapy click here

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